Spring 1, Week 2

Date: 18th Jan 2024 @ 4:50pm

Take a look at what Talented T-Rex class have been learning this week…

In English, we learnt what an exclamation mark is and how to use them in sentences. Then, we wrote sentences about London landmarks, like ‘How stunning!’ and ‘What a lovely building!’.

In PSHE, we learnt about sun safety. We discussed that wearing sunglasses, sun hats and sun cream protects us from the sun. Arria and Ella really impressed me with their knowledge!

In Computing, we developed our understanding of algorithms. We used Purple Mash to colour in a picture of a bird, listening to step by step instructions to colour in the correct section with the right colour.

Well done Ava for Star of the Week! You always have a positive attitude to learning and work hard to complete all your work. 

Well done Aston for Star Writer! You showed great independence and creativity in your writing this week. 

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