Summer 1 - Week 1

Date: 18th Apr 2024 @ 1:43pm

This week we have had an excellent first week back after our lovely Easter break.

Congratulations to Theodore for achieving Star Writer of the week this week! Another big congratulations to Hassan for acheving Best Improved Accuracy on Timestable Rockstars out of years 3, 4, 5 and 6!

The Dazzling Dolphins have made a brilliant start and have focused well on their new learning. 

We have started a new topic this week called 'Emperors and Empires' the children have enjoyed learning about how the Romans were ruled and about how they went to the toilet!! They completed a sorting activity where they had to place the correct information under either 'Roman Kingdom, 'Roman Republic' or 'Roman Empire' - see photos below.

In Spanish this week we have started a new topic on fruits! The children were so enthusiastic during the first lesson and pronounced some new tricky words with fantastic confidence!

Dazzling Dolphins Class Attendance = 96.17%

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