Spring 1 Week 6

Date: 15th Feb 2024 @ 8:54am

The Butterflies have had a very busy, but fantastic week! 

In Maths, we have been learning our number bonds to 5. This has been learnt through our number bond song, using numicon and working with a partner to make a tower of 5 cubes in different ways. Well done to Chizurum and Thea-Ivy for working well together to find the different number bonds to 5. 

In Literacy, we have enjoyed learning lots of facts about animals that live in the Polar Regions. Eddie noticed that an Arctic Fox has white fur to help it camouflage in the snow - a super fact Eddie! The children enjoyed writing their own fact sheet to help others learn about these amazing animals - Well done Butteflies :) 

We have had great fun celebrating pancake day! The Butterflies designed their own pancake face, talked about their favourite toppings and  followed a recipe to make their own pancakes. They were delicious! 

The children have worked so hard this half term! We are so proud of them all :) 

Have a well deserved rest, and we look forward to seeing you all next half term.


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