Spring 1 - Week 5

Date: 8th Feb 2024 @ 2:03pm

This week we have completed our last lesson on instruments in Spanish - we have learnt how to say 'Toco' which means 'I play'.

In English we have been learning all about prepositions - we worked in groups to write prepositional phrases about lots of different volcanoes.  We will use these sentences next week when we start to write our own newspaper reports.

In Topic we had an art lesson - some AMAZING chalk drawings of volcanoes were created!! The Dazzling Dolphins enjoyed creating these, learning about the texture and blending with their fingers.

In Maths we have been learning about money, we have been recognising different coins and notes. We have made different amounts of money and found different ways to make the same amount. 

On Tuesday we participated in Internet Safety Day - we drew and designed an Online Safety Advert including information you should not tell someone you meet online, such as your address, your age, what school you attend or your full name, We all achieved a certificate for completing the work!

Well done Dolphins!


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