Spring 1 Week 4

Date: 21st Mar 2024 @ 8:26am

Another fun filled week in Reception! 

To celebrate BSL week, we enjoyed showing off our BSL skills to our grown-ups.  Thank you to all the Parent's/Carer's for joining in with learning the signs. The children loved to see this! 

The children have worked hard in maths learning about different charts. We began by creating a bar chart of the children's hair colour. The children were able to interpret the bar chart and could see that black was the most popular hair colour. Vlad noticed that the same amount of children have blonde hair and brown hair - great observation Vlad! The learning progressed onto creating tally charts to show our favourite colours. 

In Literacy, the Butterflies have loved exploring the story 'The Day the Crayon's Quit' We discussed the meaning of 'Quit' and talked about a time we have felt like quitting. The children were able to talk about the importance of not giving up. Jakob said we should 'Try, try and try again!' 

Another busy week! Well done Butterflies :)) 

Well done to Ivana for being this week's 'Star of the Week' 

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