Spring 1 Week 3

Date: 28th Jan 2024 @ 9:57pm

Take a look at what the Wonderful Woodpeckers have been learning about this week…


This week, the children have been learning about how to use the column method to multiply one number by another. Also, they have learnt how to multiply three numbers together and how to identify the factors of different numbers. Bobby was amazing at recalling his times tables.    


During this week, the children have continued looking at non-chronological reports. They have been busy combining all their learning from the last two weeks to write their own reports about rivers. We are really looking forward to publishing our reports on Monday. 

Other Areas

This week, in Topic the children have started learning about Mountains. They have learnt about the parts of a mountain and the different types of mountains.  Also, in RE, the children learnt about the story of Moses and the Passover. Aurora did an excellent job of retelling the story in her own words.     


Star of the Week

Well done to Amelia for achieving Star of the Week. She has worked exceptionally hard in both Maths and English. 

Star Writer

Well done to Tochi for achieving Star Writer. She has worked hard on the content and presentation of her handwriting.


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