Spring 1 - Week 2

Date: 18th Jan 2024 @ 2:51pm

Lets start with a big congratulations to Leonard for being chosen as our Star of the Week this week, he has been making some excellent contributions to class discussions and trying his best in all lessons! Well done!

Star Writer this week went to Hassan for his super research in Geography, keep up the good work!

The Dazzling Dolphins have had a fantastic week learning all about volcanoes, we having been learning about the ring of fire and everyone has been sharing some excellent facts with us all, particulary Theodore - well done! We have been learning about the different layers of the earth and the different parts of a volcano.

We all chose a volcano to research and created a fact file - Hassan and Reuben showed great teamwork when researching, well done boys!

Jaheim and Mia bought in some fantastic rocks and gems to show from a trip they went on together to the National Stone Centre, thank you for sharing these with us all. Jaheim also shared some photos and videos of their trip on Purple Mash, these are now being proudly displayed on our working wall..

In Whole Class Reading and English we have been learning more about Mary Anning, the dolphins used their knowledge of chronological order to sort and make their own paragraphs all about her life.

In Spanish we have learnt the names for the drums (la bateria), the flute (la flauta), the guitar (la guitarra), the cymbals (los cimbalos) and the trumpet (la trompeta). Have a go at saying these at home :)

Have a lovely weekend from the Dazzling Dolphins. 

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