Autumn 2 Week 6

Date: 14th Dec 2023 @ 1:47pm

Take a look at what the Wonderful Woodpeckers have been learning about this week…


This week, the children have been learning about how to read, write and plot coordinates. They know that a coordinate has two numbers and that it is used to mark a specific point on a grid. They have learnt that the first number refers to the x axis and the second number refers to the y axis. Dominiks was able to confidently read coordinates in order to answer different types of questions.


During this week, the children have been learning more about the key features of a newspaper report. They have learnt about how a newspaper report needs to answer the 5 W’s and they have recorded facts, which they will be able to use in their own newspaper report.   

Other Areas

This week, the children really enjoyed making tree decorations out of paper straws, which we then sold at the Christmas Market.

Also in Spanish, the children have been learning the names of different vegetables and how to ask for these at a market. Amelia can confidently speak in Spanish using accurate pronunciation.


Star of the Week

Well done to Poppy for achieving Star of the Week. Poppy has been working hard to make sure that she applies her new learning in all subjects.

Star Writer

Well done to Dominiks for achieving Star Writer. He has been working hard to ensure that his newspaper report includes all of the key information.


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