Autumn 2 Week 5

Date: 8th Dec 2023 @ 8:09am

In Maths, Reception have been learning about number bonds to 5. We started off by looking at whole foods and parts of food and sorting these into hoops. We then noticed, as we were eating snack, we started off with a whole piece of fruit and then ate parts of the fruit. Butterflies then progressed onto looking at the whole number 5 and how it is made of different parts. We used our bodies to work out different ways we can make 5. E.g. 3 children and 2 children, 1 child and 4 children etc. Eddie worked really hard to spot the different ways - what a star Eddie! 

In Literacy, we have enjoyed exploring the alternative fairy tale of The Three Little Pigs, 'Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig'  As a class, we explored the similarities and differences between the two stories. Etta was shocked at how far the pig went to knock the wolve's houses down! 

The Butterflies were so excited to have a live pantomime in school! The children were mesmorised throughout and there were lots of 'He's behind you!' moments to join in with.

Well done to Joel for getting this week's 'Star of the Week' Joel is a super role model to his friends and always makes a conscious effort to follow the school rules. Thank you Joel :) 

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